Join the Grace Bomb Challenge Today!

Ready to effortlessly share Jesus in your daily life? Sign up now to receive your free Grace Bomb cards and embark on a 5-part email challenge.

Sign up and Get Cards

What is a Grace Bomb?

A Grace Bomb is an intentional act of love motivated by Jesus.

Simply surprise someone with kindness. Give them a Grace Bomb card. The card points people to a simple message of God’s love for them.

Why Join?

Access FREE Grace Bomb cards, a simple tool for sharing Jesus.
Gain inspiration with real-life stories and practical tips sent directly to your inbox.
Follow easy, actionable steps in each email to make a big impact.
Connect with a community of believers sharing surprising acts of love, all motivated by Jesus.

Don't miss this opportunity to live out your faith in vibrant, impactful ways. Sign up for the Grace Bomb Challenge today!

Sign up and Get Cards

Sign up and get cards

Don't miss this opportunity to live out your faith in vibrant, impactful ways. Sign up for
the Grace Bomb Challenge today!

I just want Grace Bomb cards

당사는 사용자의 개인 정보를 소중하게 생각합니다

"동의"를 클릭하면 사이트 탐색을 개선하고, 사이트 사용을 분석하며, 마케팅 활동을 지원하기 위해 기기에 쿠키를 저장하는 데 동의하는 것입니다. 자세한 내용은 개인정보 처리 방침을 참조하세요.