Following God's Lead In Creatively Sharing the Gospel

Bailey Jeffs.
Surfer. Photographer. Guitarist with a curiosity for synthesisers. He is a man on a journey to discover what the expression of his creativity looks and feels like.
At the moment, it looks like a music project, ‘LUUNG’ — melodic musings set to an introspective backdrop of chimey guitars and smooth synths.
“I’m actively pursuing a career in music and it’s only because of Him (Jesus) that I’m doing that.
It’s a really bad investment, music. You put so much in with very little return, but I’ve got this sense that He’s guiding it.” — Bailey
Like many artists, Bailey’s creativity is rooted in a conversation at the core of who he is and what he believes.
“My personal faith journey was after finishing school.
I had the realization that the person other people say you are when you’re in school, that’s not who I had to be. And I guess Jesus came into that.” — Bailey
With a passion to connect his faith and identity to his creativity, Bailey has found inner confidence in his gift.
“After leaving school, I realised that God is real and He’s made me this specific way.
I’ve got gifts and abilities that I’m stoked to have because of Him. Not comparing myself to other people, but I’ve got big dreams and stuff I wanna do in my life and I just want to own that, ’cause I’m proud of that and I know God has a plan.” — Bailey
‘Christian music’, as a method for preaching the gospel, has an awkward reputation for superficiality, either avoiding the deep issues of life or providing shallow answers at best. Bailey is keen to explore a third option: asking great questions.
“I don’t feel like I’ll be making music so I can go up to someone and say, ‘Hey! You should follow Jesus.’
I don’t want to go around quoting scripture or like, ‘this is why I’m being good and buying you a coffee.’ You know, you don’t do that. Music gives you the space to ask big questions like that without isolating people. I think that’s what I like about it.” — Bailey
Bailey is just as passionate about his craft as he is about living an authentic life in relationship with God and allowing his creativity to be the overflow.
“I think there’s so much inspiration that can come from being a Christian,
(knowing) the God that created everything, literally the greatest creator of all. Surely we should be making better stuff than every other person who doesn’t have faith.” — Bailey
You can experience purpose by knowing your calling, having the courage to pursue it, and trusting that God will create opportunities to use you and bring others into relationship with Himself.
“Find what you’re good at and pursue it wholeheartedly.
Give it to God. It’s hard but He knows what He’s doing at the same time. I think that’s what I’m put on the earth to do — express my faith through whatever I’m making. It’s simple but that’s also what I think faith is about.” — Bailey
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