Messy Faith: Sharing Jesus Even When You're Not Perfect

Ever called friends to your house and done a last-minute clean-up just before they arrive?
You invited them over but forgot your house or room is a total mess. Like, ‘dirty plates on the floor’ kind of mess. So you hurriedly stash clothes and dishes into the nearest cupboard, wipe the bench quickly, and spray a whole can of air freshener to cover the smell. Many times, we do the same thing when it comes to sharing Jesus.
Every Christian sins, including you. And the guilt and shame associated can be a barrier to talking about Jesus when the chance comes. “How can I share how much I love Jesus when I’ve just failed him?” If this is you, you're not alone. You might feel like trying harder and making up by doing lots of good deeds. Hide all your failures and cover the smell of your faults. But that’s not what Jesus wants from you.
It's vital to consider the guilt you feel after sinning, but handling that guilt is key. Trying to fix yourself is pride in disguise. Instead, the Bible urges us to confidently take our sin straight to Jesus, who is quick to forgive. There's nothing more you can do to be forgiven than you already are. The Bible says there's no more condemnation for you. Your identity is saved, forgiven, and righteous. Perfect in God’s sight.
Don’t try to fix yourself but go to the one who can, Jesus.
Talk to Him, confess your sins, and seek His forgiveness. Do this knowing He will forgive you because He promised. By confessing your sins, the Spirit will relieve your guilt and shame and give you peace and acceptance.
As you do this, understand the completeness of God’s grace towards you and choose to live from this place. You've received grace upon grace, His grace suffices for you, and you're adopted as a child of God. All this stands true about you regardless of your actions. It's prideful to add your deeds on top of God's forgiveness to make yourself more right before God.
The gospel truth is you were saved while still a sinner.
This truth is powerful. Why? Because your friend who doesn’t know Jesus needs the same forgiveness. What's a better way to share Jesus than to be honest about your own flaws and how you can come to Jesus every day and be free of guilt.
Spend time considering Jesus’ love and grace towards you. Confess your sins and you shall find forgiveness. And when the next chance comes, don't hide your imperfections but confront them head-on and use them to share Jesus' truth and grace.
Romans 8:1 There is no more condemnation for you.
John 1:16 You've received grace upon grace.
2 Corinthians 12:9 His grace suffices for you.
Romans 8:15-16 You've been adopted as a child of God.
Romans 5:8 The gospel truth is you were saved while still a sinner.
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