How to be an influencer

Sharing Jesus is one of the most important things we should be doing as Christians. You know this because you’re reading this article – but are your friends on the same page?

If you’re passionate about sharing your faith, how can you influence your friends to share theirs?

The truth is God has already made you an influencer. You might not have tight abs and a huge Instagram following, but your words and actions influence your friends and your family. Whether it’s for good or bad, by merely being in proximity to others, influence is occurring and shaping is taking place.

If we can understand how influence occurs naturally, we can be intentional about influencing our friends when it comes to sharing Jesus.


1. Proximity with each other

If you want to help your friends understand the importance of sharing Jesus, meet together regularly. This is called discipleship. Spiritual conversations, Bible study, and prayer with other Christians help us grow. Community and shared experiences smooth out our rough edges so we can become sharpened over time.

Proverbs 27:17 says “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”

Dull knives are ineffective. They require more effort to use and they can cause a lot of undesired damage. Sharp knives, on the other hand, are effective, efficient and will do the job the wielder wants. To keep a knife sharp, it needs to be sharpened constantly.

2. Proximity to Jesus

We are being shaped into the image of Jesus, so it’s important to keep him at the center. Proximity to Jesus is the intentional inclusion of Jesus’ priority to love God and love others. Pray about how you can instill a desire for discipleship and growth within your friendship groups. Try:

  • Praying for each other.
  • Talking about what God is teaching you.
  • Studying the Bible together.
  • Bringing spiritual conversations to the group for discussion.
3. Proximity to others

Once the process of discipleship has begun and sharpening is taking place, talk about the importance of sharing Jesus with others. Plan intentionally to burst your bubble and connect with non-Christians and do it together for mutual support. Share stories, inspire and encourage each other.

Here’s a few things you can try:

  • Joining a sports team together.
  • Inviting non-Christians to social gatherings.
  • Inviting interested non-Christian friends to your discipleship time.

Any cultural change needs to be led intentionally, it won’t change on its own. Remember, you are an influencer whether you like it or not, so use your influence for good. Take personal ownership and responsibility for the culture of your group.

How will you influence your friends this week?


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