Easter Wednesday - easter is the best time to share the gospel

It’s Easter. Google Trends show that people Google “Jesus” more each Easter than they do at Christmas. So if it’s a time of the year when people are curious about Jesus, are you ready to share about him when the opportunity presents itself?

Here’s a simple way to share the gospel clearly, by simply memorising these 4 words:


1. POSITION: LOVE is God’s position towards us.

God is the creator of all things. As an outflow of His abundant love, He created the universe, the world, and all things in it. God is love, and He loves every human being. God’s desire is to be in a loving relationship with His people. This relationship with God means life, wholeness, fulfilment, and living in harmony with others.

  • God loves the world - God doesn’t just show love as an action. He is love. God loves all of His creation.
  • God’s love is unconditional - This is not a love that must be earned or achieved, it’s given unconditionally. Jesus was sent to die for us while we were still sinners.

2. PROBLEM: SIN is our problem

God created man and woman to live in harmony with Him and each other, however, when humanity sinned we cut ourselves off from God. Now every person has a spiritual heart problem, this is what we call sin. Sin is any choice we make that goes against God’s design for our life and these choices fundamentally break our relationship with God.

  • Sin is an “own way” attitude - Sin isn’t just bad things we do, it’s a fundamental attitude that makes choices against God’s design for our life.
  • Sin separates us from God - Making choices that go against God’s design for our lives break our relationship with him. No one can earn their way back to God.

3. PROVISION: JESUS is God’s provision

God didn’t leave us to our own devices, instead, Jesus entered into the world. He lived the perfect life we could not live and died the death we deserved. He lay dead in a tomb for three days, and on that third day, he rose again proving He was God and that his sacrifice was acceptable.

  • Jesus is God - Jesus is God in human form. He lived a perfect life and did not sin.
  • Jesus died as our substitute - The consequence of sin is death. However, Jesus died on the cross in our place, cancelling humanity’s debt of sin.

4. PART: TURN & TRUST is our part

Believing in Jesus means turning from sin and trusting in Jesus as your saviour. The Bible calls it repentance and faith. You can’t just say the words or go through the motions, God knows your heart. You can do this by praying to God.

  • Our response is to turn away from our sins - When we own our brokenness and turn away from our sin to Jesus, he forgives us.
  • Our response is to trust that Jesus is God and defeated death for us - When we trust that Jesus is God and that he defeated death for us, his undefeatable life now lives in us.


If your friend wants to make this decision, you can help them by giving them the words to say. Try a prayer like this (get them to repeat the sentences after you):

“Dear God. I know you love me. I’m sorry for my sin and that I have gone my own way. Thank you for your son Jesus who died on the cross for my sins and rose again. Today I turn from my sin and trust in Jesus alone. Amen.”

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

Commit these 4 words to memory and be prepared to share them as a ready weapon you can unleash next time you share Jesus.


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