Overthinking the Holy Spirit

How do you know if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you?

There are almost as many answers to this question as there are Christians on planet earth. Is it an overwhelming sense to say or do something in a conversation? Should I hear an audible voice? The experience of the Holy Spirit is so subjective, how can you be confident to do the right thing when a prompting comes?

When it comes to talking to someone about Jesus, many Christians struggle with this question. The fear of “getting it wrong” can be so pervasive it has led many to stagnation, regret, and even to question their faith. It’s a common struggle, so you may have felt this too.

The truth is you don’t need to fear getting it wrong, and a slight change in perspective can help.

A key foundation to remember is that the Holy Spirit is your helper (John 14:16) and He partners with you to share Jesus with your friend. He’s not trying to test you or set you up for failure. So if He prompts you in a conversation, it’s not a command you must follow perfectly, He’s doing it because He wants to help you.

Here are 3 tips to help you to stop overthinking the Holy Spirit.

Reject Perfectionism

There’s nowhere in the Bible that says God expects you to follow the Holy Spirit’s prompting perfectly. The commands He wants you to follow are laid out in scripture; love God, love your neighbor, honor your parents, do good works etc. Misunderstanding the Holy Spirit’s prompting is not a sin and it doesn’t make God disappointed in you.

Also, keep in mind that understanding the Holy Spirit takes time, a lifetime in fact. Dr. Charles Stanley suggests that if you feel convicted by how you’ve responded to the Holy Spirit “let that motivate you to begin a lifelong pursuit of the Lord and His ways.” Let it drive you to understand Him more, not bury you with feelings of regret and failure.

Recognise God’s In Control

You can’t control how a conversation about Jesus is going to go. Regardless of the outcome and what promptings you follow or not, God is in control. A simple misunderstanding won’t stop God from doing what He wants. Just like it says in Proverbs “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” (Proverbs 19:21).

Respond Like Jesus Would

Focus on what you can control; your words and character. A great way to think about this is to ‘Be like Jesus as you’re sharing Jesus.’ Let your words be seasoned with grace. Ask questions as Jesus did. It helps move the conversation forward, you get a clearer understanding of your friend’s point of view, and you come across as less preachy.

Stop overthinking the Holy Spirit. Don’t stress about getting it perfect, God’s in control so focus on being Jesus as you share Jesus. Now go, have that conversation with your friend today.


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