
Silence. It’s great to have a little at the end of a busy day, or when you’re trying to study. But silence isn’t so great when you get an opportunity to talk about Jesus.

Unfortunately, that’s all too often the case for many Christians when ‘Jesus’ comes up in conversation. Jesus doesn’t want you to be silent, he wants you to be able to share the hope you have1 – and he promises to help you. It’s a command with a commitment.

Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, God promises to be with you and to help you when the time comes. He’s given you the Holy Spirit to guide you. He’s given you a story to tell and He’s given you a mind to engage in conversation, ask questions and think critically.

So since you already have everything you need, you can approach questions and challenges as opportunities to engage, not confrontations to avoid.

Here are 3 practical steps and 3 tools that will help you:

  1. PRAY
    Ask God daily for opportunities to talk about Him with confidence and wisdom.
    Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is vital. Seek Him every day and His voice will become clearer. Be intentional, pray and walk with Him.
  3. ACT
    When you’re filled with the Holy Spirit and connecting well with people, things will happen. Take a leap of faith and respond next time you are prompted by the Holy Spirit.
    When challenges come up, be ready to ask the question “What do you mean by that?”. This takes the pressure off you and provides time to think and pray. If you don’t have a good response at the moment, promise to get back to them with an answer.
    You have a story to tell. The story of how Jesus saved you. Think about it, practise it, and be ready to tell that story when the opportunity comes.
    Learn to articulate the gospel in a simple way (we can help you with that) and practise it so you’re ready to share it. Also understand that, while it’s a simple message, people often have questions about it. So be prepared to explore it in parts, and be led by your friend’s curiosity.

Don’t be scared into silence. Walk out these steps daily and ready yourself to use these tools when the opportunity to respond comes.


1 1 Peter 3:15 - But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

2 Luke 12:12 - for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”


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