How to talk to your neighbour about Jesus

You live in a world of fences. It’s all too easy to live inside your secluded home, stream on-demand TV, and lock away the world outside. These fences aren't just physical; they're emotional as well. People like to keep others away because they feel safer. This can make sharing Jesus with your next-door neighbours a challenge. So how can we change that?

Jesus told a story about a good neighbour. A Jewish man was robbed and beaten and left on the road. After a priest and temple worker walked right past, a Samaritan man stopped to help him. Samaritans and Jews had a bad history and more or less hated each other. But when the Samaritan saw the robbed man, he had compassion for him despite their differences and helped him. Jesus said this Samaritan man was a good neighbour and tells all of us to do likewise (Luke 10:29-37).

You have the opportunity to be a good neighbour. The Samaritan man helped the Jewish man despite the differences they shared. Differences don’t need to be a barrier. Reach out and have compassion for them. Find some common ground and serve them.

Start by paying attention to what’s going on in your street. If you take the time, you’ll be surprised to see what’s going on in the lives of the people living around you. Try taking some time to walk around your streets and observe. Pray as you do so. Some families are very busy and struggle to keep up with the yard work. Some people are lonely. Some people struggle with health. Don’t be nosy, but be observant.

If you observe someone that could use some help, approach them humbly and sincerely and offer to serve them. You might offer to mow their lawn or help them with their garden. Take their dog for a walk once a week. Offer to serve them in a tangible way that lets them know you care for them. Even if they don’t accept, they may still feel encouraged that you offered.

Some people will just love your company. Loneliness is a big problem in our culture today. Spending one hour a week talking with a neighbour can mean the world to them. Listen and care for them, and if a chance to share Jesus comes up, do it.

God has placed you where you live for a reason. Listen to the words of Jesus and be the good neighbour he wants you to be. Take initiative, show compassion, and love them the way Jesus would.

Take time today to observe the streets you live in. Choose one person in need and reach out to them.


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