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Grace Bomb

You’ve got everyday opportunities to surprise a neighbour in love, and sometimes you just need a little help getting out of your comfort zone.
A Grace Bomb is a Intentional act of love motivated by Jesus.

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CV Global
19 Jul
min read

What to do when people have objections to Jesus

Conversations about faith and religion always bring important questions and objections to the surface. These objections can often be misinterpreted as scary, discouraging, negative moments. In reality, an objection isn’t something to be feared; it’s an opportunity to engage.
CV Global
13 Jul
min read

How to share the gospel that people can’t argue

If you find yourself in a situation where you want to talk about Jesus but you don’t know what to say, just remember you have a story. Your story is a celebration of what Jesus has done in your life and He wants to use it to impact and change the people in your world. Stories have power; they have the ability to change and challenge you. Stories are often God’s chosen method for transformation.
CV Global
19 Jul
min read

Evangelism qualifications: Just be yourself

Have you ever felt completely unqualified? You are given a job to do at work or an assessment task at university. It can make you feel overwhelmed. You might feel at a loss of where to start, so you keep putting off the task. Perhaps you feel this way about sharing Jesus. You know the Great Commission exists, but the task seems too grand and unachievable.
CV Global
19 Jul
min read

Evangelism kick-start: 5 spiritual practices

As Christians, we’re all aware of the Great Commission. When Jesus stood on that mountain top and said, “Go into all the world and make disciples.” Often that can feel like it’s easier said than done. If you want to share Jesus but it feels awkward and contrived, the first step is to understand that sharing Jesus needs to come from a place of relationship with Him. A relationship that’s honest and intimate.
CV Global
5 Jul
min read

How to share Jesus when you don’t know what to say

Some people just have a knack for talking about Jesus. It just seems to come so easily for them but, to be honest, for the rest of us it can be a little bit disheartening. Be encouraged, here’s some ideas about how to share Jesus if you can’t seem to find the right words.
CV Global
19 Jul
min read

How to share Jesus: a 3 part method

Talking about Jesus can feel weird or uncomfortable. Maybe you struggle to find the right opportunities to share, or feel that you lack the necessary knowledge. Perhaps you don’t want to cause tension in your relationships or be perceived as “pushy”.
CV Global
19 Jul
min read

Why should you share about Jesus?

Do you remember how you felt when you first started following Jesus – when you first understood the gravity of the gospel? Not just in your mind, but deep in your heart? When the emptiness was filled with the fullness of love. Don’t forget that.
CV Global
13 Jul
min read

How to share the gospel with 4 words

It’s crunch time. You’ve been sharing Jesus with a friend. They’re really interested and they want to know more about what following Jesus means for them. You know it’s time to share the Gospel. But how do you summarise the Gospel? How do you tell it in a way that’s more helpful than confusing? There’s no script and you don’t want to mess it up.
CV Global
19 Jul
min read

How to overcome fear when sharing Jesus

Have you ever wanted to share your faith with someone, but that little voice inside of you stopped you in your tracks? The problem is when we give fearful thoughts power in our mind they start to influence our behaviour, and can even stop us from being able to say yes to what the Holy Spirit wants us to do.
CV Global
12 Jul
min read

Listening to the Holy Spirit: A Guide for Sharing Jesus

As a Christian, you may want to share Jesus, but sometimes it’s difficult to know what to say. You don’t want to “preach” at people, ruin the vibe of a conversation, or just seem plain weird. So, what should you do?

An opportunity to share your faith awaits

Don’t know what to do next? We’ve got some ideas and tools for you.

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